
  First let me suggest that you look at the top of this picture and to the left, there are different pages to this site

  Hello my name is Abby above you will see a picture of me and a very close friend of my name Ron, I hold him dear to my heart as he is truely a friend who continues to be there for me yet let's me search for myself while he lingers behind, Many thanks to you Ron, I will always love you..  This site was designed to focus on inner peace, some find it in different ways than others but this is where I have been finding mine. One was is  Feng Shui a practice that I have found to be a true blessing, In my 35 years of life I have been on many journey's both inside and out and with different people. I have always believed that people good or bad come into our life for a reason, it is what makes us who we are today. Some I dont care to remember and some I will hold dear for the rest of my life.I am at a point in my life and have been for awhile of feeling lost & scattered which as you know leads to more anxiety, depression,  feelings of loneliness and hopelessnes.I picked up a book the other day by Simon Brown called Feng Shui in a weekend and I can not even come close to express how this 1 book is changing my life...I will explain more on this off and on. As I will also share bit's and pieces of my life yes the good & the bad in hopes that if there are others out there that I might can help through them reading my experiences...

  Feng Shui is based on the idea that we are connected to everything in the universe and that we are all part of a huge web. Feng Shui originated in China where it is still a well known practice today.  

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